OPW celebrates 125 years in business

The team at Liquip Victoria wish to congratulate OPW on celebrating 125 years in business. As a certified Australian distributor and user of OPW products this landmark achievement is a tribute to the people, partners and products that have allowed OPW to build a legacy of innovation. Having played a role in reaching this milestone with them we wish them continued successes in the years to come.
Over the years, the OPW was able to thrive by identifying and reacting to changes in the markets in which it operated. Through a series of shrewd business decisions and strategic acquisitions, the have established a global reputation as the fluid-handling equipment brand of choice, earned by providing high-quality products that deliver trust and peace-of-mind assurance in the areas of safety, reliability, durability and environmental sustainability in critical fluid-handling operations.
To learn more about how our people, partners and products have helped OPW establish its reputation as the global leader in fluid-handling solutions, you can visit their special 125th Anniversary Website and see for yourself. It's a great trip through history and time.