SAS Drybreak Couplings
Also known as SAS Dry Disconnect Couplings
These provide spill free product transfers for a wide range of media including Fuel, LPG, Ammonia, and other volatile chemicals. Designed to facilitate safe, affordable, and swift transfer of fluids and gases, while protecting the operator and the environment, they are quickly becoming the industry standard for safe, easy and affordable bulk liquid transfers.
Key advantages over other similar style couplers include:
✔ Minimal product residue left on coupling faces
✔ Minimised purchase and life time costs
✔ Excellent transfer rates increasing efficiency and saving time
✔ Safe handling of aggressive or valuable media
✔ Fire/pressure spike resistant design
✔ Easy maintenance process and repairable
✔ Integrated swivel functionality
✔ Intuitive One Motion Coupling™ technology for easier connection
✔ Compatibility with NATO STANAG couplers
✔ Highly competitive purchase price
There are many factors that distinguish SAS couplers from other products on the market. Their ease of use, safety, and reliability make them an effective tool for preventing spills and leaks. In addition, they reduce product residue to one of the lowest levels in the industry. A broad range of energy, chemicals, and marine companies have put these couplers to work wherever safety, efficiency, and the integrity of the product count most.