Advantages of on-site bulk liquid storage
If you’re not using Self Bunded Tanks to store and dispense your bulk liquids on-site then it’s time you made the move. Hundreds of businesses across Australia are benefiting from the advantages of storing fuel derivatives, AdBlue, oils, lubricants, liquid foods, chemicals, waste or other hazardous and non-hazardous liquids in Self Bunded Storage Tanks – delivering them significant cost savings and greater business efficiencies.
We've used one of the most popular on-site stored hydrocarbons, fuel, as the example to showcase seven ways businesses can directly benefit from using a Self Bunded Tank.
1. Bulk buying hydrocarbons offers better pricing opportunities
- Pump prices hold hidden costs such as fuel delivery charges to the petrol station, station maintenance, site and staff costs, fuel dispensing equipment upgrades, insurance levies against the risk of theft and vandalism, accounting errors and administration costs.
- Fuel is usually cheaper purchased in bulk. Pump prices are not reflective of buying fuel wholesale.
- Most petroleum companies will establish relationships with customers that benefit both parties, offering opportunities to negotiate on supply, delivery and price.
- The cost of installing an on-site SBT can quickly evaporate over a short time frame. Large savings can quickly start to be made.
2. Lessen theft & fraud – via greater accountability
- Fuel purchased off-site, usually through company fuel cards at petrol stations, means it's difficult to know who's using the card and for what purpose.
- When fuel is stored on-site and utilised, businesses can see who is using it, when they are using it and how much of it they use. It not only gives a visual element of use (which can also be captured on CCTV), but offers greater accountability.
- Fuel monitoring, purchasing and management systems can be added to any SBT. These can field reports on transaction times and volumes dispensed.
- Fuel fraud often happens when employees take advantage of a businesses allowances for their own personal use. A couple of tanks of fuel in the wife's car or friend's car for a weekend trip, multiplied across 100 staff doing the same thing, quickly adds up. An on-site tank makes this harder to execute.
3. Keep workers on-site, reducing downtime and OH&S issues
- SBTs increase work productivity. They ensure workers stay on-site for as long as possible during shifts, completing tasks and meeting deadlines (reducing downtime) rather than leaving site to refuel vehicles and equipment.
- During trips off-site to refuel, there's risk of road accidents and equipment failure, putting staff in harms way and raising potentially OH&S issues. These trips are minimised with an on-site fuel storage solution.
- On-site fuel storage maximises efficiencies, through better time management, allowing businesses to build more, move more and haul further.
4. Save time and travel costs by refuelling or storing on-site
- What is not often taken into account when calculating fuel and equipment running costs are the trips required to obtain fuel (detours) and the time it takes to complete this task.
- Today businesses are discovering, this cost alone (plus related staff downtime and OH&S risks), can quickly be put towards the purchase of an on-site fuel tank storage solution to reduce this as an ongoing cost.
- There is also the added bonus that at the beginning or end of each work day vehicles and equipment can be fuelled and ready to get straight into action when the whistle blows.
5. Store as little as 1,000 L or as much as 110,000 L safely
- From car yards looking to have access to a small volume of fuel or large truck depots that needs to refuel a fleet daily, there's an on-site fuel storage solution size to suit every requirement and any business.
- If space is an issue, SBTs come in many various shapes. A tanks footprint can be surprisingly small or it's height very low, minimising the space you wish the tank to take up or fit – some tanks are even stackable.
- Where concerns lie on safety and the surrounding environment, SBTs are very durable and tough. With double steel walls to prevent spills and leaks they can be relied upon on for many years to store and dispense safely, without harming the site they are placed on.
6. SBTs are highly versatile and are easy to relocate
- Self Bunded Tanks can safely store and dispense a large range of fuel derivatives: Diesel, aviation, unleaded, leaded, ethanol and mixes are all possible.*
- Chemicals, lubricants, AdBlue, biodiesels, oil and waste oils can also be safely stored and dispensed.*
- They are easy to relocate and deliver to site.
- Some ranges of SBTs are designed and manufactured to meet ISO container specifications, allowing theming to be stacked and transported via rail, truck or ship using industry standardised equipment.
- Set-up and installation on site is very simple. A quick commissioning process can have a tank ready to be filled and operational in hours or delivery.
- Dependant on dispensing requirements, there are various options tanks can be customised with, offering complete control on the dispensing process and system you'd like to use. This can also include remote monitoring using Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs).
- Powering of the tank for fuel pumping is not limited to mains power. Off-grid solar powered systems, ideal for remote locations, where mains power is not available are now a cost-effective option.
*Local and state regulations and standards on storage and dispensing of flammable and hazardous bulk liquids must be adhered too.
7. Enjoy the reliability and control of supply
- An SBT can offer total control of your businesses fuel requirements. Fluctuations in daily fuel prices, staff fuel fraud and mismanagement or refuelling procedures are immediately limited and improved.
- The flexibility of purchasing, storing and dispensing on-site can be monitored and regulated to your desired level of management.
- On-site fuel storage effectively reduces a cost impost that may limit a businesses ability to profit.
Take-up the benefits of on-site bulk liquid storage today with a Self Bunded Storage Tank solution from Liquip NSW.
Your team at Liquip NSW can assist with the ideal Self Bunded Tank option. Our HOST SBT Cubes and Host ISO Classic SBT tank ranges offer two outstanding options for you to choose from (be sure to ask about our other new ranges as well). Each range has been designed and built to meet key Australian Standards as well as niche needs dependant to business requirements. Tanks can also be customised with preferred dispensing and powering systems ideally suited to the tanks use.
Not to mention that we offer a complete turnkey solution as part of the purchase. This includes:
- Selection and advice on the best suited tank solution
- Custom tailored pump dispensing and monitoring system design with multiple options to choose from
- Fit-out of pump dispensing equipment and systems onto the tank
- Delivery, installation and set-up of the tank on-site, along with commissioning
- Option of on-going servicing and maintenance of tank on-site
You can read more about these ranges and our Self Bunded Storage Tank solutions here on our website
Contact the Liquip NSW team for expert advice and assistance with this solution and for build design and part selections.