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Hatch Weather Covers - HWC301 Series

Liquip's hatch weather covers mount onto the manhole and protect against the ingress of water into compartments and deter unauthorised access to the compartment hatches.

Features & Benefits
  • Composite Anti Static material.
  • Simple stainless steel split pins allow for easy removal for maintenance.
  • Quick release rubber clamp allows for quick opening and closing of the cover.
  • Cover can be cut out for the vapour vent (AVV vent) to connect to the vapour coaming.
  • Compatible with the VOH41x series of hatches
Technical Information

Liquip hatch weather covers are hinged on one end with an over-centre rubber clamp latch on the opposite end.

To allow full access to the hatch cover, unhook the clamp and lift the cover.

Adjustment or Service
Latching end is self-centring.

Cover - Composite Anti Static material.
Clampband & fasteners - Zinc plated mild steel.
Hinge bracket on cover - Cast aluminium.

HWC301 has an integrated clampband which replaces the standard clampband to secure the VOH hatch.

2.6 kg.

Ordering Information

HWC301: Black Hatch Weather Cover for VOH400 Manholes.
HWC301C: Black Hatch Weather Cover for VOH400 Manholes with AVV cut out.

Associated Equipment

VOH4116A8N0: Aluminium manhole cover assembly (metric).

VOH4116A8A0Z: VOH4116A8N0 comes with clamp band assembly and PVV104 (vapour vent).

VOH4116A8N0Z: VOH4116A8N0 comes with clamp band assembly and PVV blanking plate.
