Fuel and LPG Flow Meter Calibration Service

Here at Liquip NSW we offer a specialist Equipment Calibration Service and are NMI licensed to calibrate, service and repair bulk petroleum, LPG & vehicle tank flow meters.
If you’re business relies on measuring instruments as part of its product or service delivery, then you’ll understand the importance of meeting the National Measurements Institutes (NMI) compliance obligations. This ensures fair trade for your customers, avoidance in the costly oversupply of liquids and a safer operating environment for all.
Here at Liquip NSW we offer a wide range of equipment calibration services, all carried out by qualified and certified technicians, who are passionate about the needs of customers and the specialist equipment they service.
Protect your business, your employees and your customers
by using a licensed calibration professional

NMI Licensed Provider
Liquip NSW currently holds an NMI Servicing License (SL-0714) and is certified to complete calibrations services related to:
> 5.2 - Liquid measuring instruments of the flow meter type used for petroleum products
> 10.2 - LPG measuring instruments of the flow meter type excluding cryogenic liquids
> 9.1 - Vehicle tank

Industry Experience
For many years we’ve supported a wide collection of business in the Marine, Aviation, Rail, LPG and Fuel Terminal industries, testing and calibrating meters associated with either their fleet of tankers or fixed dispensing equipment used in the transfer of:
> Aviation Fuels: JET A1, Avgas
> Vehicle/Vessel Fuels: ULP, Diesel, LPG, AdBlue, Oils, Bitumen
Peace of mind

Our service not only supports the important role of compliance, but ultimately ensures businesses remain trusted and supported by their customers, as well as economically viable.

We offer access to best in class calibration equipment and experienced certifiers
Our highly experienced team have covered the calibration of a wide range of different manufacturers equipment and systems and hold the necessary skills to competently and professional complete various types of calibrations and equipment repairs.
Our verifiers are qualified and licensed to certify a wide range of bulk petroleum and LPG meters and carry our any repairs required. We can ensure assets are calibrated in accordance with any approvals and if inaccuracies are found, can be corrected and verified to support ongoing use.Over the years we’ve invested heavily in this equipment as well as the training and certification of our staff.
Calibrating equipment in accordance with NMI requirements is very important to Liquip NSW. We understand the legal obligations as a NMI license holder as well as the importance of carrying out these works to ensure the safety and viability of businesses. You can rest assured our work is delivered by experts and people you can trust.

We can come to you
We periodically complete interstate service runs. Customers can schedule, in advance a future planned calibration with our team.
Learn more about our liquid flow calibration service
For enquires on our calibration services please contact Bryce Poole on 1300 113 541 to discuss specific needs or learn more about our expertise and breadth of service capabilities. You can also request more information or book a service here on our website.